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Pitch Velocity And Accuracy Umpire Preview




Pitch Velocity and Accuracy Umpire

Baseball season is here! While the MLB pros are doing their thing in stadiums around the country, average Joes and Janes are limbering up for casual games among friends and co-workers. Whether it’s just the odd pick-up game or a full-blown league, you want to bring your best to the field.

The Pitch Velocity and Accuracy Umpire from Hammacher Schlemmer may skew a little too on-the-nose with its name, but it’ll definitely help amateur pitchers figure out how they’re doing and where improvements could be made. You’ll need your own balls, of course, along with four D batteries, which are good for 100 hours of juice.

Just wing some baseballs at the pad to get an idea of how fast you’re throwing and where in (or outside of) the strike zone you’re hitting.

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