The Adrenalist

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Extreme New Year’s Resolutions



A lot of us make resolutions when the calendar year draws to a close. January 1 is a time to start fresh, change up routines and, for us Adrenalists, break through some of the boredom that tends to set in over the course of a year when it comes to our extreme sports lifestyles. We can achieve untold number of things if we only go out and attack them head-on, with safety in mind of course.

It’s in that vein that we present three adrenaline-fueled challenges for you to take on in the coming year, as well as techniques to combat the various obstacles or fear associated with accomplishing them. Hopefully, with our help, you’ll look back on 2013 as the year you finally did something you wouldn’t have dreamed of doing in 2012.

Here are three extreme New Year’s resolutions.

Bike to Work

While we understand foregoing cars or public transportation may not be possible logistically or time-wise for all commuters, grabbing a helmet and setting off for the office on two, non-gas-guzzling wheels has some serious pros.

One, you’re getting awesome exercise. Two, you’re spending some quality time outside before (depending on your job) you’re stuck indoors until the sun sets. Three, biking is significantly cheaper than other commuting methods. Gas is especially expensive and when you add on car insurance plus mechanics bills, driving to work every day can strain any budget. Four, you’re going to be in better spirits once you actually arrive at work. The endorphins released during the ride will almost always make you feel more awake and better able to go about your job. Five, you’re saving the environment. It’s important to remember our children and our children’s children still need a planet to live on. Doing your best to save future generations from climate strife is a good thing.

Probably the biggest issue with biking to work though, at least for those of us in large metropolitan areas, is avoiding those harbingers of doom that share (or more aptly, dominate) the road with bikers. Avoiding an incoming car can be hazardous, and even if you avoid getting sideswiped, you run the risk of running into any other one of the man-made objects that line urban roads. To stay as safe as possible, wear a helmet at all times, keep your wits about you and keep the headphones out of your ears while you’re riding.

Also, since it’s not like your actual job is riding a bike, here are some things to help that ride to work become less cumbersome: One, A change of clothes. No one wants to go to a work meeting or sit in sweaty clothes. If you have a place to shower – even better. Two, a positive outlook. Remember you’re helping your body, your attitude, your budget and the environment. That’s no small feat.

So why not bike to work?

Climb a Mountain

If you think climbing a mountain requires insane amounts of time, commitment and skill, think again. Unless you attempt to conquer these doozies, this challenge should be doable for most. All you need to climb a mountain is a couple days (a weekend perhaps) and a mountain. There are a lot of mountains to climb and a lot of ways to climb one. If you’re looking for something a little more challenging, here are six adventurous peaks in the United States that will require a little more skill and gusto. But for the purposes of a New Year’s resolution, we think you should just stick to climbing a simple mountain. Any one will do.

Check out some of the essential technique and equipment tips in the video above, pick a mountain and kick yourself into gear to get to the top. Trust us when we tell you it’ll be worth it not just for the view, but also for the feeling of physical accomplishment, outdoorsmanship and adventure.

Jump Out of a Plane

Are you sick of just watching other athletes jump out of planes? The reality is that you can absolutely do it yourself. Skydiving used to be trickier, but now when you jump out of a plane, you start out as part of a tandem jump with a professional before moving on to solo free falls. If you’re scared, consider this: you’re in totally capable hands when you go up in the air for the express purpose of dropping out of the plane you’re in and plummeting for less than a minute before releasing your parachute. The United States Parachute Association (USPA) has determined that the fatality rate among skydivers has dropped in the last couple decades from its already very low level. You have a much higher chance of being killed in your car.

What are you waiting for? Find a skydiving location near you and cross jumping out of a plane off your bucket list. You never know, you may find yourself developing a brand new extreme sports hobby.

Cheers to 2013, Adrenalists.

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