Sam Hardy BASE Jumps from the Roof of a Speeding Van
This is the kind of thing you shouldn’t attempt unless you’re a seasoned Adrenalist with an extreme DO:MORE mentality.
The jumper here is Sam Hardy and the bridge is the 460-foot tall Verrières Viaduct in Aveyron, France. The moving van stunt was filmed as part of the EpicTV series “eleMENTAL adventures,” which tracks Hardy as he crosses the globe doing insane things that you most definitely should not try at home.
“The railing was 8 feet away,” Hardy writes at YouTube, where he keeps a nifty collection of stunt vids. This would be an impressive jump from a stationary platform alone, but atop a moving van makes it downright ridiculous. This isn’t his last stunt though. “Wait until you see my next video,” Hardy says.
Look out for the next eleMENTAL episode with Sam Hardy on the EpicTVAdventure channel, and check out our awesome interview with Chris “Douggs” McDouggal for more extreme BASE action.