The Adrenalist

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The Baby Body Builder



He’s lean. He’s mean. He’s 7-years-old.

Italian-born Romanian Guiliano Stroe has reportedly been going on gym visits with his dad since he was a baby. Now, he holds numerous Guinness World Records for strength-based feats achieved through a training regimen that would make most grown men cry.

At five, Stroe broke the 90-degree pushup world record on Romanian TV, banging out 20 of the mind-bogglingly difficult maneuvers. (If you’re not familiar with these, check out the above video for a little schooling.)

Not unlike the mini-MMA fighter Ruffo brothers, there’s more than one superhuman Stroe. Peep this footage of Guiliano and his 5-year-old brother doing bicep curls with their dad. We can’t decide if it’s cool or terrifying.

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