The Adrenalist

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The Avalanche Transceiver Beacon That Could Save Your Life



The thoughts racing through your mind before skiing or boarding down a mammoth snow bowl probably have a lot more to do with good adrenaline than bad; you’re focused on incumbent thrills rather than impending doom. But have you considered what you’d do if you or one of your adventure partners were caught in an avalanche? Would you be prepared to save or be saved? Unless you’ve got an ORTOVOX Avalanche Transceiver S1+ in your backpack, you may not be as ready as you think.

The S1+ boasts two major industry-leading innovations. First, it displays the relative position of avalanche victims using an easy to understand pictorial representation. Second, its patented Smart Antennae Technology triangulates more effectively than almost all other transceivers on the market (the S3+ is the one exception) by providing 43% more transmission signal range (up to 180 feet). Other features include a “deep burial” tracking mode helpful in pinpointing victims buried under severe snowfall and a “multiple burial” mode for discovering more than one victim. The S1+ activates and sends transmission signals automatically if the wearer remains stationary for more than either 60 or 120 seconds. When open, it’s in search mode. When closed, it’s in transmit. No buttons or programming needed. Just easy to use, reliable, and powerful. In the throes of an emergency, there are no better qualities.

Pick one up for about $450. It may seem a bit pricey, if you’re operating in avalanche territory, it’s really a small price to pay.

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